With interest or questions about our Stewardship opportunities, please contact the office: 660-646-0190.

HELP NEEDED to prune roses, pull weeds, clean bird baths, etc. See Chris Shearer if you can assist or call the church office at 660-646-0190.
Please email us with your requests to have us pray for your needs.If you do not have a need, but would like to be added to our Prayer Chain list to pray for those in need, please email us. You may also call your request in to Alice Van Dyke - please call the church office to obtain her number.
PRAYER CHAIN POLICIES: Our policy is that we do not publish prayer chain requests on our website, nor do we put them on Facebook, in order to protect the privacy of the individuals. We leave that up to the family members of the people involved. We let the person requesting the prayers, usually a family member or close friend, tell us what information to share. We are careful to pass on to the people who pray only the information or names we are given permission to share. Anyone from the parish is welcome to join our prayer chain and receive the prayer requests either through the telephone tree or through the email group.
The youth group is open to all youth of the parish, second semester 8th grade-12th grade. They meet on Wednesday evenings 7-8:30 pm in the Knights Hall (excluding first Wednesday). This is a great opportunity for young people to have fraternity and grow in their faith while having fun together. Our meetings include a game, snacks and a spiritual lesson. There is also always a need for more adult leaders to help facilitate the group. Call Jane Gyhra or Mary Mathew if you have any questions. If you need their phone numbers, please call Kim at the church office.