"...and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary." Revelations 2:3
Stewardship is not so much about giving to needs. It is more about a divine call to give. When we generously return a portion of our God-given treasure, we are reminded that our true treasure rests in Heaven. We ask that you prayerfully discern God's will in your commitment of treasure. As a faithful steward, seek Him in order to honor Him in your giving, whether tithe, offering or generous giving. Your tithes and offering help support St. Columban's, missions, ministries, and community outreach and needs.
ONLINE GIVING - Our online giving option is secure. It allows for a specific dollar amount to be deducted automatically from a checking, savings or credit card account. You may set up online giving either as a one-time donation or a recurring gift. Online giving is not only easy, it's also safe and secure. This option helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend Mass.
To reach the online giving page through your smart phone, scan the QR code to sign up and start giving.
Restoration Donations
With your prayers and financial support, the restoration and maintenance of our beautiful church will further beautify and preserve our sacred space for generations to come. Donations may still be mailed or brought to the church at St. Columban Catholic Church, 1111 Trenton Street, Chillicothe, MO 64601. Please make check payable to "St. Columban Campaign."
CHURCH ENVELOPES - Envelopes give you a way to regularly contribute to several causes in addition to Sunday Offering.
COLLECTION PLATE - We gladly accept cash donations, however, if you want us to record your contribution and include it on your end-of-year statement for income tax purposes, we can only do so if you use envelopes or contribute by check.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness in serving - first the Lord, as a faithful servant - and second by blessing us to corporately serve the Lord as He leads. May He bless you abundantly for your faithfulness.
Do you want to save federal and state income taxes? Giving directly from your IRA to a qualified charity like your parish or school can be a tax-wise strategy. Please consult your legal or tax adviser or Greg Vranicar at 816-714-2363 or Vranicar@diocesekcsj.org at the Office of Stewardship and Development. Gifts of this type satisfy your "required minimum distribution (rmd)" and will help you avoid paying income tax on whatever amount you transfer directly to charity.
GIVING FROM YOUR IRA... Is one of the smartest ways to make a real impact for your parish. In late 2015, Congress made this method permanent!
What you can give: Contributions from traditional IRAs
Age Requirement: You must be 70 1/2 years old or older when the contribution is made.
Distributions must be made directly from your IRA using the Diocese request form naming the parish that is to receive the donation.
Please consult with your tax or legal professional for professional advice.
Individuals who take required minimum withdrawals and want to avoid paying tax on the distribution. Contact your IRA administrator to learn the amount of your RMD.
Taxpayers who don't itemize their deductions. An IRA charitable transfer most benefits the nearly two-thirds of Americans who do not itemize deductions on their tax returns and therefore do not receive a tax benefit for giving to charity.
Itemizing taxpayers who've reached the charitable giving limit. Donors who itemize their taxes are prohibited from deducting more than 50 percent of their adjusted gross income as charitable donations. Donations from an IRA are excluded from this percentage limit, allowing individuals who have reached the 50 percent threshold to give more.
Contact Greg Vranicar, Diocesan Stewardship Office at 816-714-2363 to learn more.
End of Year Offering Statements are available each January to be picked up by each parishioner on the table in the back of church. Please use this statement for your Income Tax filing record for charitable giving to St. Columban Parish. There are also blank family registration sheets available for those that need to change family information and add contact information such as a cell phone number. Many of our parishioners phone numbers are out of service. Thanks!